January 22 2009

We have been spending a lot of time in prayer and fasting over the last few days. Sunday was a day of real confession, repentance and turning to God for many of the older girls. The Holy Spirit is clearly working here. Today, groups of girls approached my top programmer asking how they can be saved. He told them the Good News. Several are new creatures in Christ.

Two of the older girls came over to my office tonight and although I have been pretty silent the past few days after losing my voice, I was able to croak out the Gospel. They both received Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Praise God. He IS moving here at the Centre. As we continue with our work, please pray for the hundreds of nominal Christian girls at the orphanage. Just because their parents were Christian – even killed for their faith, that doesn’t make their daughters Christian.

It takes a decision on their part. It’s a relationship, not a religion. We started the 40 Days of Purpose 5 days ago. Sunday I present the Gospel to all of the girls at the Centre. PLS PRAY that ears will be opened, hearts drawn to our Savior, and the Spirit will move them to the most important decision of their lives.