How You Can Help

Pray for us

Our most urgent need is your prayers. We believe your prayers of support will have the greatest impact on the Centre.

Become a Volunteer

Everyone is a volunteer to keep the maximum funds raised going to support the children at the Centre

Make a Donation

Here in the United States, we support the Centre with a 501(c)3 called the Love In Action Society. It’s a volunteer non-profit where all funds go to support our girls at the Centre.

Get Involved

Our most urgent need is your prayers. We believe your prayers of support will have the greatest impact on the Centre.

For the last 16 years of my involvement with the Michael Job Centre I’ve constantly been asked,

“Where does the money come from to support such a large mission? Hundreds of girls housed, fed and educated? Thousands of students and staff fed daily? Who pays for all this?”

My answer has always been the same. God does. I’ve seen his miraculous provision time and time again, often just in time when the need is most pressing. Since He owns it all, He opens the hearts of those He blesses, and the help, it just comes. It’s a wonderful thing to watch.

Right now we are raising funds for my (Neighbor Tom) return to the Centre from the US. See below for more information.

Here am I, send me.

The still small voice I hear during my prayers now is asking, “Who is teaching my girls at the Centre about Jesus?” My answer – Her.e am I, send me

Your prayers and support please, help me return to the Michael Job Centre. Thank you.

Here in the United States, we support the Centre with a 501(c)3 called the Love In Action Society. It’s a volunteer non-profit where all funds go to support our girls at the Centre.

Who Will Teach Them About Jesus?

In the Southern Central part of India is found a very special place called the Michael Job Centre. It was started by one of the most effective evangelists of this modern era, Dr. PP Job. Conducting Christian rallies where millions heard the Good News of Jesus Christ, he was called the Billy Graham of India. Dr. Job started the Michael Job Centre to honor the lives of his sons Michael and John Job who were martyred for their Christian faith.

The Centre was created as a Christian orphanage dedicated to raising up the Great Ladies of India (as Dr. Job called them). Many of whom had lost everything due to Christian persecution. Please understand, girl orphans in India have little hope of survival. If they do reach puberty, the sex trade ensures they are used up and dead in just a few years. Saving them from this horror and training them up in the Lord, is the mission.

I have been honored to go and support this mission since 2007 and hope, with your help, to return soon and continue HIS work there. It truly is a wonderful place. Today there is an elementary school, high school, an Arts and Science College, and a State Teachers College, all on the campus. Today over 300 orphan and underprivileged girls can go from kindergarten to a Masters’s Degree while there.