The Lazy Clouds of India

The Lazy Clouds of India

Editors note: Written a few years ago. Still very relevant. Do you know about lazy clouds? In parts of India, they are extremely rare.  Here in New Delhi where I’m staying they don’t see them very often.  What are lazy clouds you ask?  J   Fog.   Fog is a cloud too...
Graffiti Incident at MJC

Graffiti Incident at MJC

Stumbled onto something this morning I thought you would like to see.  We have just installed some lovely standing stone poles for our hibiscus to climb and I noticed some vandalizing activity.  It seems with all we give these girls – graffiti would be the...
Doors Opening

Doors Opening

A Love Lessons blog entry from a few years ago: I just came from the Sunday Service here at the Michael Job Center for Orphan Girls. They expect me to preach when I’m here but I’ve been struggling all week to come up with what the Lord would have me say. I had...