I wonder what the Michael Job Centre looks like from heaven. Does it look like this to God? This image is from a Google Maps satellite image. See it for yourself here: https://www.google.com/maps/@11.0376867,77.1160654,236m/data=!3m1!1e3
Or does he see the hearts and souls living there first? I’m certain those are much more important to Him than these structures. These buildings will turn to dust and rubble soon enough but the hundreds of souls here (invisible to our eyes in this image) are crystal clear to God. He says He loves everyone of them and I believe Him. How much? Well if you look closely at this image, at the center of the campus you’ll find the largest cross in Southern India. A symbol of just how great His love is for us.
As soon as He makes a way, I hope to return to MJC and continue His work there. I could use your help.
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