Love In Action Society

Love God, Love Our Neighbors

Years of my involvement

“Where does the money come from to support such a large mission? Hundreds of girls housed, fed and educated? Thousands of students and staff fed daily? Who pays for all this?”  God Does! He warms the hearts of those who help us support and sponsor these Great Ladies of India. 

Click here to sponsor a child today.

Who Will Teach Them About Jesus?

The still small voice I hear during my prayers now is asking, “Who is teaching my girls at the Centre about Jesus?” My answer – Here am I, send me.

Can you help support us to share the message of Christ to those who most need to hear they are loved, valued and wanted?  Click Here to Help


Our Mission

Love in Action Society is committed to sharing the love of Jesus Christ through our actions. We believe the message of Jesus Christ is transformative. Our actions driven by love provides for a better tomorrow for the girls at the Micheal Job Centre, Near Boat Lake, Sulur, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.

Love In Action Society, Inc. is a 501(c)3 incorporated

Everyone is a volunteer to keep the maximum funds raised going to support the children at the Centre. We keep costs to the absolute minimum to ensure funds donated go where intended.


Current Initiatives & Projects

The Michael Job Centre

Orphan girls and children from lower-income families are supported by this institution. The Centre provides education, housing, care, and eventually
job placements for those under the Centre’s care.

Goal: $250,000

Love In Action Society

Love in Action Society Inc. is an organization focused on advancing the lives of those less fortunate in society. We serve the underprivileged and share the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. We are a non for profit 501(c)3 organization that promotes various social projects.

Goal: $50,000

Who Will Teach Them About Jesus?

The still small voice I hear during my prayers now is asking, “Who is teaching my girls at the Centre about Jesus?” My answer – Here am I, send me.

Goal: $150,000

Diving into the Numbers

For the last 16 years of my involvement with the Michael Job Centre

Orphan and underprivileged girls can go from kindergarten to a Masters’s Degree while there.

I have been honored to go and support this mission since 2007 and hope, with your help, to return soon and continue HIS work there.

“Where does the money come from to support such a large mission? Hundreds of girls housed, fed and educated? Thousands of students and staff fed daily? Who pays for all this?” My answer has always been the same. God does. I’ve seen his miraculous provision time and time again, often just in time when the need is most pressing. Since He owns it all, He opens the hearts of those He blesses, and the help, it just comes. It’s a wonderful thing to watch.

How You Can Help

Getting Involved


Pray for us

Our most urgent need is your prayers. We believe your prayers of support will have the greatest impact on the Centre.


Become a Volunteer

Everyone is a volunteer to keep the maximum funds raised going to support the children at the Centre


Make a Donation

Here in the United States, we support the Centre with a 501(c)3 called the Love In Action Society. It’s a volunteer non-profit where all funds go to support our girls at the Centre.

Donate Our Programs

Our Blog

Another Busy Week

Another Busy Week

Lots going on here at MJC. Sports Day was held which means local high school sports teams from around the region came to MJC to compete. They also got a good tour of the campus for their next steps in eduation at the Teachers College and the Arts & Science...

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